Saturday, September 27, 2008

Welcome Aboard

I want to welcome the Idaho Potato Commission (here) to our TDG-Asset Manager (here). The buzz is building about this incredible, affordable system. The TDG Assset Manager is a web-based, fully customizable library for storing, managing and distributing digital media files. It's easy to use, yet still provides a powerful collaboration and production tool.

Companies seeking to take control of their digital assets are finding our system very liberating. Reducing time to market and controlling the runaway cost of simply looking for a particular image are only two of the many reasons companies are signing up for our service.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Great Kristin Armstrong

We just finished the final post on a series of images of 2008 Bejing Olympics Gold Medal Cyclist winner Kristen Armstrong The images are for the upcoming United Dairymen campaign

We had the pleasure to work with Cheri Story from the United Dairymen, and the great Drake Cooper team, Joe Quatrone, Dennis Budell, and Lisa Hawkes. The campaign, layouts and boards were honed to perfection by the Drake Cooper team and the shooting day was quite an event.

We had a blast shooting, talking about poly unsaturated fats, international competition, chocolate milk, and The Worlds in Italy. Oh yeah and just a little bit about the inter-play of light and shadow.

First time I have ever met a Olympic Gold Medal winner, first time I have ever seen or held a gold medal (yeah it is heavier than it looks). First time I have ever lifted a 15 pound full size racing bicycle. Unbelievable technology folks.

Kristin Armstong (no relation to you know who) is a awesome, professional lady. She is incredibly fit, generous, gregarious, funny, and very down to earth. Great working with her and listening to her stories of the road. We got some incredible images that are just now hitting the streets.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mr. Manly Signing Off

While shooting in Laguna I got some terrible news. One of my best friends, Erich Korte, had passed away in his sleep. I was devastated. He was in great shape, rode hundreds of miles a month on his bike. It just didn't make sense. I was thinking about this he is the first person I have ever known that died randomly, for no reason.

Mr Manly (as he is known and I won't go into the name other than to say it was well deserved) was the first person I met when I moved to Idaho in 1991. He lived next door. I won't turn this into an o-bit, but I will say he was the most remarkable, intelligent, funny, original, curious, unique people I have ever had the pleasure to know.

We logged many a mile together and did a lot of stuff that was, let's say, somewhat questionable. But we never got seriously injured, hurt any innocent bystanders and never lost a appendage. Manly in Stanley will never be the same and he will never be forgotton.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Christmas in September

I just got back from a 4 day trip to Laguna Beach. Stayed with my great friends Moya and Wynn. I shot the 2008 Christmas ad for The Laguna Beach Visitors Bureau . I worked with Judy and Ashley and they were awesome.

We shot half the day on the beach for the ad as well as some shopping images at the John Barber' Glass Gallery The images will be running in high end California publications like Palm Springs Living and LA Magazine.

It is always a challenge shooting at noon on a cloudless day on the beach. The ladies provided much needed grip support and masterfully wielded the reflector with precession.

This was a great assignment and it is always good to hang in So. Cal and soak up the beach juice. I get to eat some great dinners prepared by Mr. Laguna himself Wynn Oneill and watch the sun splash into the pacific every night from the deck. Unreal really. Spectacular place, Laguna, and the ladies at the Bureau are dream clients. I posted a couple of shots from the ads.