Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shooting U.S. Air Force Reconnaissance Aircraft

I had a opportunity to shoot a U.S. Air Force "Predator" Drone and a SR 71 Blackbird while in San Diego. Opposite ends of the performance spectrum. The Blackbird is a manned reconnaissance aircraft that flies at +Mach 3. The Predator is a unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that flies at very low speeds and altitudes.

San Diego

Had a great time shooting images in the old hood of San Diego. The weather was one of those classic spring events. Clear air, puffy clouds and huge surf. Did the tour through Ocean Beach, PB, and La Jolla. Playing with my iPhone and a new app.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vermont Air Guard heading for a low orbit.

Vermont Air Guard's Awesome F-16

We just completed shooting the insane F-16 for the Vermont Air National Guard. The Vermont boys were so gracious. The F-16 is really incredible, a true air to air combat "DogFighter"

We will be posting more images as we crank them out. Stay tuned.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shooting for ProTeam

Here is the latest ad from the creative guys at Mitchell Palmer for Pro Team Vacuums. It is always really great working with Hollis, Billy and Rob at the agency.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring Issue of The Blue.

We shot some new images for the spring issue of The Blue. Here is an shot of a setup we did at Bronco Stadium. Issue is hitting the streets soon. Great being back in Bronco Stadium. It's starting to feel like home.

Monday, May 3, 2010