Friday, February 25, 2011

Project Filter

Had a tremendous experience working the the crew at Project Filter and their race cars and drivers.  We are done shooting the stills for the new campaign and are deep in post.  Working with the incredible creatives, Jack, Trevor, Jean and Ivy and the  riders and drivers has been a blast. 

Press time is fast approaching and I will post the final images when they are released.  Gonna be cool.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Editorial and Advertising Photography

A interesting observation by A Photo Editor relating to the changing role of editorial and advertising photography in a ever shrinking print world. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The formatable team of Matt Hagler and Tracy Watts.

Another couple of examples of the incredible talent of TDG's Matt Hagler and Tracy Watts, working with some glass for Epionce.  I bow in their presence. 

Steelheads Hockey Poster No. 4

Got the 4th Steelheads Hockey poster delivered and the boys at the B of A center said it was a huge hit, which makes us smile.  Really smile.  The guys at the rink have been tremendous to work with.  Letting us do our thing.  Mark Derlago and Kael Mouillierat were great sports.

Other than Jessie in the first poster, nobody else has been seriously injured.  Hockey is really one of the great spectator sports and the Steelheads put on a killer show. 

Some new imagery.

Finally have a moment to post some new images we have been working on the last couple of weeks.  We just delivered the new "Onions On Demand" image for the Idaho-Eastern Oregon Onion Committee.  Working with the amazing Sherise Jones is always a pleasure.  No kidding.  She rocks it every time. Extremely creative and an incredible collaborator.  Always a pleasure.

You might recognize Hall of Fame Quarterback Bart Hendicks in the shot as well.  Always fun working with him.  Nailed the concept.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Food Masters Matt Hagler and Tracy Watts showing their amazing skill and creativity.

Matt and Tracy doing another exceptional job on some new food images.

One of the best food shooter/stylist combos in the country, Matt Hagler and Tracy Watts creating some amazing work.   Click here to see more of their excpetional work.

Working on some new food images. Matt and Tracy are geniuses, I say.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bruce Lee

You have to check this out.  Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nun-chucks