Went to the Idaho State Fair last night. Wow. I had a moment of clarity while there and have made a great discovery. Everything tastes better deep fried in poly unsaturated fat. Another discovery - it might not be that good for you. I woke up with what felt like a mild concussion and a aggressive stomach ache.
I have never photographed a fair of this kind. I have seen many pictures over the years and thought it would be a great venue. This year I wasn't going to pass it up. From the looks of the other 30 photographers there, I guess I was missing something.
The weather was really great with a killer sky and sunset, allowing for some pretty great opportunities. The whole scene unfolded once inside. Creepy Carnies dog-eyeing the teen girls, great unwashed masses, whiny kids, sticky crap all over the ground and the smell of deep fried Pronto Pups, beer and diesel.
America at play, man I love it. In all honesty, I don't think there have been too many other occasions where I have felt more American. True Americana there - in spades. It was great to get out and take in the vibe. Thank God it's only once a year!