I have been very encouraged lately to see the upward viewing trend of tri-digitalgroup.com, gsims.tri-digitalgroup.com, at-edge.co . Great news. A acknowledgment that email blasts, twitter, facebook, stobist, flicker and all the other guerrilla marketing efforts are paying off.
Yesterday I was checking google analytics for this blog and saw a huge (2500) additional viewers on June 11. What the @#$% . With a bit of research I saw that the additional hits came from Scott Kelby's blog.
Scott Kelby, for those of you who don't know, is Mr. Photoshop. He is the CEO of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals), Kelby Publications and a string of other organizations, companies and broadcast medias. He has been the #1 author of Digital Camera and Media books for the past 6 years. He has a wildly successful publication with Photoshop User Magazine etc. etc. A big hitter no doubt, with thousands of followers on his blog.
Scott became aware of my work when he saw the images we provided to his lab, MPIX, at Photoshop World. John at MPIX saw my images on the NAPP site and asked if we would allow him to print them for their booth. Quite an honor in itself. We have since provided additional images for this years Photoshop World as well. See the connection.
With a mere mention of my work and web site on his blog Scott boosted our views by 2500 in a day. Pretty amazing. It only supports the theory that continued promotion through social media will increase your exposure and viewership.
Better yet, it demonstrates the power of a single testimonial posted on a blog by someone with a huge following. We see this all the time (think Susan Boyle on a gynormas scale) The power of the internet and social media is astounding and growing. I am convinced that understanding and harnessing this power is a vital key to marketing your stuff to people who need it.
The end result, of coarse, is you are hired to do what you love and create something amazing.
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