Friday, February 20, 2009

Visiting the South Pacific

I was going through some more images of the Hawaii trip we took a few weeks ago and thought I would share some more photos. We stayed in Wakiki for the first time. Honolulu is a great city that is a mix of West Palm, Cabo, Santa Monica and Beirut.

Lots happening there, much different than the other islands. But like all the islands there are some incredibly beautiful places and some deserted locations if you are willing to look.

The remote "Office" Waikiki. There is a guy at the hotel next door who is on the patio near the pool. He starts singing Hawaiian songs at 7am. He sounds like an angel. With the trade winds blowing into the window, I am contemplating faking my own death, staying here for a couple of years and looking for a island hut to call home.

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